History and Tradition
The Chrismon Tree originated in this church in 1957. From that beginning, the idea has spread to Christians all over the world. Our congregation continues to help any who use this means of praising and proclaiming the Christ

The evergreen tree, which symbolizes the eternal life which our Savior has won for us, is a background for tiny white lights and white and gold Chrismons. The lights speak of Him Who is the Light of the world, and the Chrismons (CHRISt + MONogram) proclaim the Name, the Life, and the saving Acts of Jesus the Christ.


The 2022 Chrismon Tree viewing schedule
Our 66th Tradition Chrismon Tree inside the sanctuary is open to the public this year!

The tree will be dedicated and open to the public December 10th-24th.

Sundays 3pm-5pm & 7pm-9pm.    

Monday thru Friday  7pm-9pm.     

By reservation Monday thru Friday 10am-2pm by calling or emailing the church.